- The news was out. Phillip Georgouses, that Northwestern
kid folks remember working over at The Little Club before
he went off to WWII, was back — and he was taking the
whole place over. The NU favorite would be renamed Charcoal
Oven, and Phil (pictured - left) had some big ideas
about the menu. By the 1960s, a "real" kitchen
would be added to cook up the Charcoal's new regime of dining
fare — fresh fish, Greek chicken and lamb chops served
on "real" white tablecloths with "real" silver.
Today, many of the regulars still order off the menu, sometimes
even calling Phil at home the night before to say, "You
know, tomorrow night I'm going to feel like having a duck." And
if you want something you don't see on the menu, just ask.
Phil and Sonja (Carlson, who has been cooking up homemade
soups and dressings for 32 years) will make it for you. Think
gin joint turned supper club, but Charcoal Oven is 100 percent
Today the Charcoal Oven enjoys a resurgence under the direction of Phill’s daughter Maria and her husband Rich. |